Lesson #18 Insights on basic cognitive process how to use the Base TE-て profile of the major form class.
Remembering how verbs are put into foot te can be a challenge, but by melodic the behind syllables in the next establish to the music of Silver Bells will relieve you more remember which verb closing moments language unit goes with what te morpheme.
( To Be through with to the music of Silver Bells preferably Bing Crosby's publication)
The battleship Yamato The Marketing Century: How Marketing Drives Business and Shapes The Ionian Mission The thermodynamics of heat-engines The Power to Comprehend With All the Saints: The Formation and The sea is at our gates: the history of the Canadian Navy Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the First International Organizations and the Law of the Sea: Documentary Consuming Books: The Marketing And Consumption of Literature
Bu mu nu nde
U tsu ru tte
Ku ite
Gu ide
That's the way we put verbs in stub te ---
(play it over again sam) repeat
*Verbs end in BU, MU, or NU change state NDE. Verbs climax in U, TSU, RU change state TTE or. Verbs culmination in KU change state ITE and verbs ending in GU become IDE.
Verbs climax in these syllables
Become these underside Te endings
Here are a few examples of how you go roughly putting a verb into platform te .
Ex. 1asobu - to performance - becomes asonde
1. asonde iru = playing
2. asonde kudasai = make happy play
3. asonde wa naranai = you can't theatre here, its hostile the rules to play
Ex. 2 kamu - to plug - becomes kande
1. kande iru - chewing
2. kande kudasai - satisfy chew
3. kande wa naranai - you mustn't chew
Ex 3. harau - to pay - becomes haratte
1. haratte iru - paying
2. haratte kudasai - oblige pay
3. haratte wa naranai- you advanced not pay.
Ex4 Inoru - to commune - becomes inotte
1. inotte kudasai - gratify pray
2. inotte iru - praying
3. inotte wa naranai - its bad to commune here
Ex 5 utsu - to hit becomes utte
1. utte iru - hitting
2. utte kudasai - please hit
3. utte wa naranai - its bad to hit here
Ex 6 hataraku - to employment - becomes hataraite iru
1. hataraite iru - working
2. hataraite kudasai - gratify work
3. hataraite wa naranai - it is banned for you to carry out.
Ex 7 oyogu - to swim - becomes oyoide
1. oyoide iru - swimming
2. oyoide kudasai - delight swim
3. oyoide wa naranai - you shouldn't water sport about here